More Summer Fun
Sapphire Ballroom News - August 2022 |
Do you feel like Summer is over? It's not! But for some reason I feel caught in that "let's have one last fun thing" and still "get ready for fall" dilemma.
Truthfully, there's still lots of summer left to have fun with. This month we are having an outdoor afternoon of Swing lessons and dancing, a fun Happy Hour Practice Party, Date Night Dance Class, and more.
So between one last trip to the lake/swimming pool, I hope you find time to dance! There's so much going on; I'm sure there's something perfect for you. And our air conditioning is working just fine.
Remember, you can keep up with our news on Facebook at SapphireBallroom and Instagram at SapphireBallroom. We are also working to improve our presence on Twitter at DanceAtSapphire.
Thanks to everyone who came out to the Summer Road Trip Dance Party last month. Thank you to Sapphire Staff for a neat new playlist - I heard lots of happy comments - and a fun Country Two-Step lesson! The dancing was spectacular: it was great to see both old friends and lots of new faces.
In this issue...
East vs West - The Swings are willing to share if you are too
What’s New Playlist
Upcoming Classes & Events
Sunday, August 14
Swinging on the New - Sign up today!
Join us for a lovely afternoon of dance workshops and social dancing in a spectacular outdoor space.
We are teaming up with Nesselrod on the New for a couple of swing dance workshops and a swinging dance party at their gorgeous outdoor pavilion.
Join us August 14, 4:00-5:30 for either a beginner or intermediate East Coast Swing workshop and then stay for a dance party at 5:30. The party is included for workshop participants, but it’s also open to the public for just $5/person. While the party playlist will focus on East Coast Swing, it will also include all those other swing styles you’ve heard about and love: West Coast, Hustle, Lindy, Carolina Shag, and more. Feel free to bring a snack or your dinner
More details, as well as online registration at SapphireDance.com/SocialEvents.php and SapphireDance.com/GroupLessons.php.
Mondays, August 8, 15, & 22
International Rally West Coast Swing
Ever heard of the International West Coast Swing Flashmob/Rally? YouTube it! I'm a particular fan of the one form 2018: https://youtu.be/v6ni0UoWfVw. Every year, this lovely couple in France, Olivier and Virginie Massart, choreographs a routine and people all over the world perform it.
Although we don't always manage to perform it, folks from Sapphire have learned it several years now and are excited to keep the tradition alive. We will be taking an in-depth look at this year's choreography in three workshops (maybe more). Participants are welcome to come to any or all of the workshops, but if you miss one, you should do your best to make up the material. Please register ahead of time by emailing info@sapphiredance.com.
IRWCS 2022 by Olivier and Virginie Massart https://youtu.be/6KuiRpq5Fmo
Music Body Moves by DNCE https://youtu.be/ALZWQGU9JE0
Wednesday, August 31
Date Night Dance Class: Rumba and Salsa
Finish your summer on a high note!
Want to spend more quality time with your special someone? Learn to dance together. First share the learning experience, then share the dancing for years to come.
Blacksburg Date Night Dance Classes (DNDC) make for fantastic memories of fun, laughter, and joy. Sign up today to help make this class happen: visit the Blacksburg Community Center registration page at https://recreation.blacksburg.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html and search on Adult Dance. The Fall classes are listed above the Summer - don’t let that deter you. Just scroll down a little to find this, the last DNDC of Summer. You’ll have the Time of Your Life!
Fridays, August 12, 19, & 26
Friday Night Rumba and Cha Cha
Looking to add some romance to your dance life? Want something better to do to slow songs than stand in one place and rock from foot to foot? Or do you just want to dance and need a nice, friendly way to start? Rumba is your answer. Slow, simple, and sweet, learning Rumba is a great way to start dancing.
Missed last week? No problem. Each week we teach a 40-50 minute, "starting with the basics" lesson in a fun, popular dance style. And then, finish off the hour with a little taste of the style that will be on the schedule the later in the season. Our next dance style will be Cha Cha starting September 9.
Friday, August 19
August Happy Hour
You've been learning to dance, but now what? You living room just isn't spacious enough and then there's the cat... You need a low-key social dance where you can meet other dancers and practice all the great stuff you've worked hard to learn..
There's no alcohol at this happy hour, just awesome dancing to fun music. It's not quite a Dance Party, but it is a nice, relaxed chance to practice some of your favorite dance moves after work. As always, feel free to ask for your favorite tunes or dance styles at the party! More details at SapphireDance.com/SocialEvents.php.
Want to lend a hand?
Distribute Fliers
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “There’s line dance in Christiansburg?” or “There’s nothing to do around here.” We would love your help getting the word out about any of our classes. Liking and sharing on any social media is greatly appreciated, but we also have fliers! Next time you’re in the studio, snag a flier or 2 and hang it (with permission) at your favorite hang out.
A presence in the studio during downtown festivals
Thank you to the people who have already replied to this! And there’s plenty of space for more if you’re interested. We need people to be in the studio during downtown festivals and other events. Let us know if you’d be willing to hang out and dance in our space, and answer questions from people who pop in, for any part of any of the upcoming festivals:
- Wilderness Trail Festival - Sat Sept 16 (event site)
- Food Truck Rodeo -.Sat Oct 1, 4-9pm (event site)
- Rocking Main Street - Sat Oct 8, 5-9pm (event site)
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East vs. West - What’s the difference in these popular swings?
Maybe you’ve heard that your friend Swing Dances. Maybe you’ve seen something on TV about the revival of Lindy Hop. Maybe you’ve visited our website and seen East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing, Single Time/Triple Time/Double Time Swing, Lindy Hop, Carolina Shag, and more all listed in the Swing Styles. They’re all Swing, right? Just call them Swing! And a lot of places (especially if they only do one style) do just that. But while they all share the same roots, the different styles of Swing can be very … different. (Unique, beautiful, wonderful!)
Personally, I think they are all awesome, with equal potential for challenge, musically, self-expression, and fun. And they all have their own niche - music speeds, styles, and sounds that they are perfect for. Do you need to know them all? Nah. Is it overwhelming to know them all? ….Sometimes. Can I get away with knowing one or two? Absolutely, but why limit yourself?
Today, we are going to focus on the swing styles I know best: East Coast and West Coast Swing.
Let’s start with how they are similar:
They both have flexible rhythms based on Single Steps (one step over two beats), Double Steps (two steps in two beats), and Triple Steps (three steps over two beats).
They both cover a wide range of speeds and music genres (classic rock, pop, country, etc…).
They both go to upbeat, swung music, ie - music that emphasizes the 2 and 4 of the measure and that has a little funkiness that pushes the “&” between beats towards the 2.
How are they different?
East Coast Swing bounces. All the time, constantly and compulsively. West Coast - not so much.
West Coast Swing uses a slot which causes more linear motion as opposed to the more circular motion of East Coast. Both have some circular and some linear moves. But each one is dominated by its own flavor.
West Coast speeds start way lower than East Coast, while East Coast Swing music (including Single Time) soars into crazy fast. But they also overlap a lot.
The dynamic nature of West Coast tends to be harder for brand new dancers than East Coast. East Coast has the twin benefits of Single Time Swing (no triple steps) and more moves that work well with less travel.
Check out our YouTube playlists for West Coast Swing, Single Time Swing, and Triple Time Swing.
If you want an introduction to East Coast Swing, Join us at Nesselrod on the New, Sunday August 14.
Think West Coast Swing sounds nifty? Come dance with us at Vinyl Vibe, the September Dance Party.
There's no reason to choose - do both and learn first-hand all the coolness that makes these dances unique.
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Triple Time vs Single Time
East Coast Swing:
Twins - the not identical kind
Triple Time and Single Time Swings are both common variations of East Coast Swing.
Single Time Goes to faster music, therefore has fewer steps in its standard rhythm.
Triple Time is for slower music and includes more steps in the same number of beats (via multiple Triple Steps).
Medium speed music or changing energy level might inspire you to switch back and forth between the two styles.
Although you will occasionally find a sequence that works better in one or the other, these two rhythm variations share a vast majority of moves.
Next time you go dancing, try doing something you learned in Single Time with triple steps, or vice versa. You'll end up with more stuff to do to more kinds of music, with very little effort.
What’s New Playlist
We are always adding to our music library. Sometimes we discover old songs we’ve never heard before. Sometimes we discover new songs while listening to the radio or diving down a YouTube rabbit hole… Sometimes we realize we’ve lost an old favorite; or there’s a better version out and we should replace the one we have. Sometimes you tell us about a great song, old or new, that we really need. This is just a sample of the new music we have acquired over the last month.
If you have a song we should add to the library, we’d love to hear it!
Ain't Got No Money by Bill Pinkney and the Original Drifters
East Coast Swing
https://youtu.be/HJgFAM2G9F4 |
Brothers (Fullmetal Alchemist) by Taylor Davis
Viennese (or Fast) Waltz
Dream Come True by Rick Strickland
https://youtu.be/HEFZjqPEN6Y |
Freedom by Jon Batiste
Cha Cha
https://youtu.be/3YHVC1DcHmo |
Hernando's Hideaway by The Johnston Brothers
American Tango https://youtu.be/LS4Vbukt9Sg |
The Long and Winding Road by The Beatles
Nightclub 2-Step
New York State of Mind by Glee Cast
Nightclub 2-Step https://youtu.be/Saq0wsmMl5Q |
Pink Cadillac by Jerry Lee Lewis and Bruce Springsteen
East Coast Swing
https://youtu.be/P9-VnTj3ODU |
Stolen Dance by Milky Chance
West Coast Swing
https://youtu.be/dAuAyA9dBBU |
Summer Nights by Raaginder
West Coast Swing https://youtu.be/dEHgfKU-n74 |
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow by Leslie Grace
What songs do you think should have made this list? What would you like to see in next month’s playlist? Let us know - we’d love to hear from you on Facebook or by email.
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Upcoming Events & Dance Classes
Events are hosted by Sapphire Ballroom & Dance Center: online, at our studio in Christiansburg, at the Blacksburg Community Center, or other local venues. Please check locations before traveling!
All Group Lessons have a maximum limit. To prevent being turned away from a full class, please register by or before noon the day of the class by emailing us at info@SapphireDance.com or contacting the Blacksburg Community Center.
All group events and lessons cost $6-$15/person/hour. Visit our Square Store to pay online for classes and private lessons.
More information available on our webpage or Facebook page.
Social Dances and Parties |
Swinging on the New
East Coast Swing Workshops and Swing Social Dance
Sunday, August 14, 4:00pm - 6:30pm
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August Happy Hour
Friday, August 19, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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West Coast Swing - Vinyl Vibe
Saturday, September 10, 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm
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September Happy Hour
Friday, September 30, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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Friday Beginner Workshops
Hustle - Hustle baby!
Friday, August 5, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Rumba - Sweet Romance & Sassy Style
Friday, August 12, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Rumba - Sweet Romance & Sassy Style
Friday, August 19, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Rumba - Sweet Romance & Sassy Style
Friday, August 26, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Cha Cha - Let's Get Wild
Friday, September 9, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Line Dancing With Lisa
(beginner and established dancers)
Advanced(ish) Line Dance - Leveling up the Choreo - New Date!
Monday, August 15, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Beginner Line Dance - "When there's nothing to lose and there's nothing to prove, I'll be dancing with myself" - Billy Idol
Tuesday, August 16, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Beginner Line Dance - Partner's? We don't need no partners!
Tuesday, September 6, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Advanced(ish) Line Dance - Leveling up the Choreo
Monday, September 12, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Beginner Line Dance - This is what happens when the Wobble grows up.
Tuesday, September 20, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Blacksburg Date Night Dance Classes
(for beginner dancers)
What's Next Workshops
(established dancers only)
West Coast Swing - International Rally West Coast Swing 2022, Part 1
Monday, August 8, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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West Coast Swing - International Rally West Coast Swing 2022, Part 1.5
Monday, August 8, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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West Coast Swing - International Rally West Coast Swing 2022, Part 2
Monday, August 15, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Line Dance - Leveling up the Choreo- New date
Monday, August 15, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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West Coast Swing - International Rally West Coast Swing 2022, Part 2
Monday, August 22, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Tango - Rondes, Sweeps, and More
Monday, August 22, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Thanks for reading; we hope you found something you liked.
Until we see you again, happy dancing! |
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