Schedule Highlights |
Man, I got behind on our studio schedule. Just life and things; I'm sorry. But! I'm really close to caught up now, and thought I'd share some of the many cool things coming this month and next.
So, pull out your calendar and get ready to text your friends. It's time to go dancing. Here's the quick and dirty round up. There are more details on these lessons and parties down below or on our webpage at SapphireDance.com.
FBWs (Friday Beginner Workshops) will have Hustle this month and Rumba next.
Our Dance Party this month is all about Groovy Movies starring a Hustle lesson on Saturday, May 13.
Beginner Line Dance is still having a Spring Sale for 1/3 off regular price when you buy 6 workshops at once. They are on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Advanced Line Dance is this Monday, May 8 (ALD doesn't qualify fro the sale).
Historic Dance will be this Tuesday, May 9, and the 2nd Tuesday in June and August, but skipping July.
What's Next Workshops are on Mondays as usual, with a huge variety of styles:
- May 8 - West Coast Swing (7pm) & Advanced Line Dance (8pm)
- May 15 - Rumba (7pm) & Tango (8pm)
- May 22 - Waltz (7pm) & Improve your Balance (8pm)
- May 29 - Memorial Day - no workshops
- June 5 - Cha Cha (7pm) & 3-Count Hustle (8pm)
- June 12 - Salsa (7pm) & Advanced Line Dance (8pm)
Upcoming Dance Opportunities
Saturday, May 13
Groovy Movies Dance Party
Perfect for dancers of all levels, Sapphire's 2nd Saturday dance parties are the best way to keep the skills you're earning on the dance floor.
This month, we're going to go Hollywood by way of Brooklyn. Confused? I'm talking about Saturday Night Fever! And Strickly Ballroom. Footloose. Singing in the Rain. Shrek. Magic Mike. And so - much - Disney.
Join us at 7:30 on Saturday, May 13, for a 4-count Hustle Lesson starting perfect for beginners but progressing to enticing for advanced dancers. Details on our webpage at SapphireDance.com/SocialEvents.php. Early registration helps us prepare.
More details, as well as online registration at SapphireDance.com/SocialEvents.php and SapphireDance.com/GroupLessons.php.
Bring a snack to share!

Fridays, May 5, 12, & 19 then June 2, 9, & 16
Friday Beginner Workshops
Start your weekend off on the right foot (or left foot if you're a leader)! In May, we are doing 4-Count Hustle the dance that made Disco hot. It's fun, as easy as they come, and you can have a great time with only a couple of moves.
In June we are switching to Rumba. If Hustle is the King of Disco, then Rumba is the Prince Charming of Romance. Slow, not too hard, easy to use, it's a definite upgrade from that stand-and-sway thing you started doing in middle school.
These workshops do occasionally sell out, so be sure to register ahead of time to save your space. Details and registration online at http://www.sapphiredance.com/GroupLessons.php?d=1

Tuesday, May 9 & June 13 (skipping July)
Learn to dance like a Lord or Lady of Pemberley
Learn to do the dances you see in Jane Austen movies, but without the fancy floof and lace. Don't get me wrong. I love to see men dressed in lace and brocade and the ladies in their dresses. But for these workshops, we are much more low-key. So stay in your sneakers and yoga pants, we've got dancing to learn! The NRV Historic Dancers meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and teach everything so no experience is required.
Advance registration is appreciated because these dances require a minimum number to work. Details online at http://www.sapphiredance.com/GroupLessons.php?d=1

Spring Line Dance Sale - 6 workshops for $36!
You’ve heard of line dancing. Maybe you’ve done the Electric Slide or the Wobble. But there’s so much more! More music, more moves, more variety - and now, it’s on sale.
Now through Summer Solstice (June 21), the “official” days of spring, you can buy a package of 6 Beginner Line Dance Workshops for just $36! Share them with friends, family, or keep them for yourself - it’s up to you.
Registration for any particular workshop is required by noon the day of that workshop, not at the time of purchase. So, you can take advantage of the sale now, then take your time, choose the nights that suit you, and learn to line dance. The dance floor is waiting for you.
Sale is for Beginner Line Dance Workshops only. See the spring schedule on our webpage at SapphireDance.com/GroupLessons.php. Please use your Spring Sale workshops within 6 months of purchase.
What's Next Workshops
These workshops are the answer to What's Next. Not for beginners, they vary widely in difficulty from kind of challenging to "what just happened?" So talk to a teacher if you're not sure you're ready. One of these workshops
might be just what you're looking for in your dance journey.
These workshops cover just about all of the 30+ dances styles we teach, so be sure to ask for your favorite to get it on our schedule! Check out the schedule through June at http://www.sapphiredance.com/GroupLessons.php?d=3
But here's a summary (it's the same as the one above):
May 8 - West Coast Swing (7pm) & Advanced Line Dance (8pm)
May 15 - Rumba (7pm) & Tango (8pm)
May 22 - Waltz (7pm) & Improve your Balance (8pm)
May 29 - Memorial Day - no workshops
June 5 - Cha Cha (7pm) & 3-Count Hustle (8pm)
June 12 - Salsa (7pm) & Advanced Line Dance (8pm)
Sunday, June 11 - 4-6:30pm
Dancing on the New
Dancing on the New is back for 2023! These outdoor, afternoon dances at Nesselrod on the New in Fairlawn/Radford will be on the 2nd Sunday on even numbers months through October (to complement the in-studio dance parties on odd numbered months).
June's Nesselrod Party will feature a lesson in East Caost Swing and Carolina Shag - a little heavier on the Shag than last time. Registration is open now, so you can go ahead and save your space. We do already have registrations for June and the previous dance last month sold out. So don't wait - you know it sounds fun!
This event is outdoors but well sheltered, so rain and other weather shouldn't be a problem. Unless it's actually dangerous to get there - like a hurricane (yeah that kind of happened last fall). The floor is smooth concrete - it is splendid for my second best pair of dance shoes. It's the perfect outdoor venue for us dancers!
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Sapphire's group classes and workshops are always small, low stress, and fun. They are a great way to meet other people who have also decided to learn to dance, as well as get to know our teaching staff. It doesn't take any long-term investment to get started, no special clothing or shoes - just something comfortable to wear and a sense of adventure. So, take the plunge and try it out.
All classes (in person or online) require registration by noon the day the class starts. We are happy to add late-comers if we can, but classes may be cancelled or rescheduled if registration is low.
Five ways to register, just choose one and we'll take care of the rest:
1 - reply to this email : info@sapphiredance.com;
2 - register and pay at the same time at our online store at SapphireBallroom.square.site;
3 - talk to your favorite Sapphire Staff member;
4 - give us a ring at 540-382-8782;
5 - Blacksburg Group classes are best registered through the Blacksburg Community Center webpage.
Thanks for reading; we hope you found something you liked. Until we see you again, happy dancing!
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