Whatcha doin' this weekend? |
How about an evening of fun dancing, snacks, friendly people, and great music?
The Vinyl Vibe Dance Party is a rocking good time filled with nastalgic music - originally available on vinyl, of course! We'll be playing stuff from the 50's thru the 80's and maybe a little 40's and early 90's. Think about dancing to the Beatles, Neil Diamond, Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Heart, Whitney Huston, and so many more! If we don't play your favorite oldies song, ask for it! We'd love to hook you up.
So, what are we going to dance to all this great music? Lots of stuff. Hustle, Cha Cha, Tango, Salsa, Carolina Shag, and Swing - lots and lots of swing.
In fact, come out at the beginning of the dance for a lesson in West Coast Swing. It will start beginner friendly, but end up pretty challenging. So, if you're new to this stuff, make sure to get there early to master the foundations.
Be honest - you want to dress the theme, don't you? Yeah, you do. Or maybe you don't. Either way its ok - dress the way you'll have the most fun.
Sound like fun? Sign up today! Please register by Saturday noon by online at SapphireBallroom.Square.site or by emailing us and paying at the event - just reply to this email with your name and the names of anyone you plan to bring.
Want to help make these events a success? Bring your friends, bring a snack to share, share the Facebook event, like our Instagram posts. It all helps!
Remember, you can keep up with our news on Facebook at SapphireBallroom and Instagram at SapphireBallroom.
Schedule Highlights
Hey - did you notice? It's Fall. I guess not officially, but effectively.
As you might guess, we're gearing up with a whole much of new offerings for your dance adventure as we head into colder climes, as well saying farewell to a few warm-weather events. Check out SapphireDance.com or our next newsletter for more details about all the stuff we have in store for the next few months.
In the meantime, here's a preview of the next few weeks. You'll notice that our more advanced offerings - the What's Next Workshops - are kind of sparce. I'm still working on that schedule - feel free to make requests!
Salsa - Sweating is part of the fun :)
Friday, September 8 and September 15, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Vinyl Vibe Dance Party
Saturday, September 9, 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm
Like, share, or invite friends on Facebook. Details.
Advanced Line Dance - Leveling up the Choreo
Monday, September 11, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Beginner Line Dancing - You Can Dance if You Want To
Tuesday, September 19 and October 3, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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East Coast Swing - Swing Time means spin time
Friday, September 22 and September 29, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Salsa - Date Night Dance Class: Salsa
Wednesday, October 4, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Technique - Exercises to Improve Balance
Monday, September 25, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Dancing on the New
Swing Workshop plus a sweet little social Dance Party
Sunday, October 8, 4:00pm - 6:30pm
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Sapphire's group classes and workshops are always small, low stress, and fun. They are a great way to meet other people who have also decided to learn to dance, as well as get to know our teaching staff. It doesn't take any long-term investment to get started, no special clothing or shoes - just something comfortable to wear and a sense of adventure. So, take the plunge and try it out.
All classes (in person or online) require registration by noon the day the class starts. We are happy to add late-comers if we can, but classes may be cancelled or rescheduled if registration is low.
Five ways to register, just choose one and we'll take care of the rest:
1 - reply to this email info@sapphiredance.com;
2 - register and pay at the same time at our online store at SapphireBallroom.square.site;
3 - talk to your favorite Sapphire Staff member;
4 - give us a ring at 540-382-8782;
5 - Blacksburg Group classes are best registered through the Blacksburg Community Center webpage.
Thanks for reading; we hope you found something you liked. Until we see you again, happy dancing!
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To subscribe to Sapphire Ballroom News, our monthly e-newsletter, visit us at SapphireDance.com/ContactUs.php. |