You asked for it; you got it: L1 Country Two-Step
Lots of group Classes and Workshops coming up
We've got lots of opportunities for you to get on the dance floor, plus a bunch of schedule decisions have (finally!) been made. So here's the quick scoop on upcoming classes and workshops. But before we get into the specifics, if you want a quick refresher on the differences between the kinds of lessons we offer, visit our webpage here.
If any of these options sound like fun, sign up today! Or at least by the starting day at noon. You can register online at SapphireBallroom.Square.site or by emailing us and paying at the event/class - just reply to this email with your name and the names of anyone you plan to bring.
Want to help make these events a success? Bring your friends, share or react to Facebook and Instagram posts. It all helps!
Remember, you can keep up with our news on Facebook at SapphireBallroom and Instagram at SapphireBallroom.
Schedule Highlights
Level 1 Country Two-Step starting this Sunday!
Learn more.
So - you love country music. It gets in your bones and makes you want to dance, right? Me too, and Country Two-Step is the answer. Let's get your feet moving with this fun, spin-a-rific dance. Yes, it can be fast. Yes, those turns require practice. But, if you put in the work, we'll get you dancing. And can you really call it work, when it's this much fun?
This semester's schedule is still growing. Do you have something you'd like to learn? Let us know and we'll see what we can do. Summer's coming - Carolina Shag next?
Sundays, March 17, March 24, April 7, and April 14 (skipping Easter weekend)
This is a 4-week class - if you're looking for a drop-in style class, check out Friday Beginner Workshops (next item). They are doing Swing right now! |
Bachata is coming to Friday Beginner Workshops
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If you'd like to Salsa, but want something a little more chill... If Merengue is groovy, but still want more... Meet Bachata. This groovy, medium temp dance has a simple, friendly basic with lots of opportunities to spice it up. There's a nice balance between lead and follow that lets him show off as much as her. And the tropical vibe to the music will take you on a mini vacation without the hassle of packing.
Level 3 West Coast Swing
TBD Tuesdays in April/May at 6pm ~ actual dates, more details and registration coming soon!
The L2 WCS class is going strong and I think they want even more! So, let's go ahead and make plans for Level 3, shall we? While I don't have the exact dates settled yet, we will stick with this Tuesday at 6pm slot for the time being.
Level 3 West Coast Swing is a 4-week group class intended for dancers who have already learned the basics of West Coast Swing, including right and left side pass, sugar push and sugar push variations, and a whip or two. If this sounds like you, we'd love to have you join us! Solo dancers are welcome! |
Learn more
We will be reviving some old favorites as well as tackling new, never before taught in our studio, material.
Can you join the fun if you've never done a Deep Dive before? Yes, absolutely! But all Deep Dives have prerequisites. Usually the prereqs are fundamental moves in the dance styles, occasionally a foundation in a different dance style. Please check them carefully or talk to a Sapphire Instructor before attending. The prerequisites for the Deep Dive Nightclub 2-Step Workshops in April are a solid understanding of Level 1 and 2 NC2, including multiple rotations, switch turns (aka - half spiral, spot) and chaines turns, at super slow to moderate speeds.
For more information on Deep Dives in general, Check out this newsletter article (http://SapphireDance.com/Email/2023/2023-11-B.html) from last year, when we first announced this addition to our programs.
In the meantime, Dive into American Tango Mondays, March 18 & March 25, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
April 1 will feature Advanced Line Dance at 7:00pm and Exercises to Improve Balance at 8:00pm. |
Vinyl Vibe Dance Party
Saturday, April 13
7:00pm - Complimentary Hustle Dance Lesson
8:00pm - Social Dancing
It's time to dig out your boogie shoes, your peace beads, and spandex mini-skirt. Everyone is welcome at our dance parties - beginner or advanced, student or not - so come on out and join us for a great night of cool music, awesome people, and tasty snacks. |
Sound like fun? Sign up today! Please register by noon the day of the event online at SapphireBallroom.Square.site or by emailing us and paying at the event - just reply to this email with your name and the names of anyone you plan to bring.
Want to help make these events a success? Bring your friends, share the Facebook event, like our Instagram posts. It all helps!
Remember, you can keep up with our news on Facebook at SapphireBallroom and Instagram at SapphireBallroom.
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Sapphire's group classes and workshops are always small, low stress, and fun. They are a great way to meet other people who have also decided to learn to dance, as well as get to know our teaching staff. It doesn't take any long-term investment to get started, no special clothing or shoes - just something comfortable to wear and a sense of adventure. So, take the plunge and try it out.
All classes (in person or online) require registration by noon the day the class starts. We are happy to add late-comers if we can, but classes may be cancelled or rescheduled if registration is low.
Four ways to register, just choose one and we'll take care of the rest:
1 - reply to this email info@sapphiredance.com;
2 - register and pay at the same time at our online store at SapphireBallroom.square.site;
3 - talk to your favorite Sapphire Staff member;
4 - give us a ring at 540-382-8782.
Thanks for reading; we hope you found something you liked. Until we see you again, happy dancing!
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To subscribe to Sapphire Ballroom News, our monthly e-newsletter, visit us at SapphireDance.com/ContactUs.php. |