Sapphire Dance News - September 2016 |
It's usually sad this time of year to see summer go, but after this brutally hot one and after seeing all that this fall has to offer on the dancing front, we are ready to usher summer out the door and say “helloooooo” to fall. Labor Day can’t come too soon!
We are canceling our regular Friday Night Beginner Workshops on September 2 and Monday Night Upper Level Workshops on September 5, so we can all slow down a bit and celebrate Labor Day.
Enjoy the holiday and we hope to see you the dance floor the next Friday, Saturday, and Monday!
Vinyl Vibe Dance Party: You Sure Got The Boogie - read more
Junior Ballroom @ Sapphire’s Fall Session: What is Junior Ballroom and Why It's a Thing - read more
Argentine Tango with Karen & Tate: Details are done, Registration is ready for you - read more
A Taste of Argentina: A Multifaceted History of Argentine Tango - read more
Monday Nights in September - Bringing Out The Heavy Hitters This Fall - read more
Fall Sampler and Blacksburg Group Classes: Time to Get Dancing - read more
Sapphire Out and About: Giles Mountain Winery & the Carolina Shag! - read more
Dates to remember:
Summer doesn't mean "time to let your dancing go" - there's always lots going on!
Friday, Sept 2 - CTAM Friday Night Beginner Workshop CANCELED for Labor Day
Friday, Sept 9 - Junior Ballroom Fall Session begins
Saturday, Sept 10- Vinyl Vibe Dance Party with Hustle Lesson
Thursday, Sept 15 - Sunday, Sept 18 - Aregentine Tango with Karen and Tate
Friday, Sept 16 - CTAM Friday Night Beginner Workshop CANCELED for Special Event
Sunday, Sept 18 - A Taste Of Argentina with Tate and Karen
Tuesday, Sept 20 - Fall Sampler: Free Intro Lesson (rescheduled - formerly Sept 6)
Tuesday & Wednesday, Sept 27 & 28 - Blacksburg Group Classes begin
Saturday, Oct 8 - Monster Bash Dance Party with Polka Lesson
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Vinyl Vibe Dance Party: You Sure Got The Boogie |
Come get your boogie on at Sapphire Saturday, September 10!
Want to learn how to boogie with the best of them? Join the fun at 7:30 for a Hustle lesson with Liz and then continue to shake your groove thing to a vintage-inspired playlist.
Come for the lesson, come for the dancing, come for the music, come for the walk down memory lane...whatever your reason, come!
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Junior Ballroom’s Fall Session…..What is Junior Ballroom? |

Let’s begin by asking, “What is Junior Ballroom?”
We began this program, now 3 years ago, for two main reasons. First, it was apparent that there is a growing number of teens in the area interested in social partner dancing. Second, those young people needed an environment where they could be comfortable learning and enjoy the company of other teens. They needed a class just for them. Our studio has always had a desire to share the love of dance with the next set of dancers. We couldn’t say no!
So, Junior Ballroom @ Sapphire came into existence to teach 12-18 year olds a variety of dance styles, to further their social skills by working on the etiquette of partner dance, and to increase their poise and confidence on the dance floor (and beyond). We spend 10 weeks with them focusing on 2-3 different dance styles with the intention of being able to dance those styles socially at the end of the session. To celebrate their accomplishments, Sapphire hosts a dance party for all the current students, their friends, and their families. Everyone involved, including the staff that get the pleasure of working with the teens, have a blast all along the way.
This upcoming session will meet on Fridays at 5pm starting September 9 and will go straight through ending November 11. (The dates are 9/9 to 11/11. I love it!) Even if you miss a few classes, joining in is still totally worth it. We start from the beginning and move at the pace of the group, always with repetition and review.
Enrollment is $115 per student and includes the dance party. We do offer a sibling discount. More details are available at SapphireDance.com/juniorballroom.html.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions about the program.
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3 - Argentine Tango with Karen & Tate: Details are done, Registration is ready for you |
We are thrilled to have all the details ready to share...finally! There is a lot going on, so sit back with a pen and your calendar and get ready for a jam-packed schedule with something for everyone! Be sure to check out our website for a complete line-up and registration: http://www.sapphiredance.com/Karen-Tate.html. In addition to all you see below we have private lesson slots available as well. Sign up for yours soon!
Kick things off by joining the members of Ballroom Dance @ Virginia Tech on campus in Blacksburg from 7-9. Karen and Tate will be working on the basics of Argentine Tango. This is perfect for beginners. A night with this group is always a blast, and the fun we had last time with Karen can only be increased by having Tate with us.
Back in the Sapphire studio in Christiansburg, Friday night brings the “Path to Tango” workshop from 7-9pm. Tate and Karen will delve deeply into the fundamentals of Argentine Tango, with extra focus on the Two Systems of Walking. This is perfect for beginners ready to be swept up in this dynamic dance as well as a wonderful and always beneficial refresher for experienced dancers.
Make sure you eat your Wheaties because Saturday is packed! From 2:30-5:30p, take the “Next Steps” with Karen and Tate as they explore Sacadas with us. This is a more intermediate class. Experience is strongly encouraged but if you come Friday night as a novice and still want more, you are welcome to join us!
Then, that evening there will be a Milonga! Not sure what that is? It’s essentially a dance party. If you want to know a little more about the etiquette and traditions you can look at Karen’s F&Q page where she has a lot of cool information about this and Tango in general, http://tangogypsies.com/. They will be teaching a lesson on “Milonga: Finding the Rhythm” at 7:30pm then we will open the dance floor at 8:30.
Wait...that’s not all. We saved the newest and most intriguing event for last: “A Taste of Argentina.” Read below to find out more….It warrants being presented all on it’s own!
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A Taste of Argentina: A Multifaceted History of Argentine Tango |
This is the perfect end to a weekend full of learning and dancing. Join us for a relaxed afternoon soaking in Argentine culture and history, and enjoying South American food as you watch the history of this beautiful and mysterious dance unfold before you. And we will open up the dance floor for a mixer after it is all said and done. This unique event is one dancers and non-dancer alike don’t want to miss.
As a native of Buenos Aires, Tate Di Ciazza grew up with the music and culture of Argentine Tango all around him. Together with Karen Jaffe, teacher and dancer from Asheville, they will offer you a glimpse into how the dance came into existence and where it is evolving today using live dance, music, and film.
If you love culture, music, and food, you will love this event!
Pricing, registration, and all the details are available at http://www.sapphiredance.com/Karen-Tate.html.
Advance registration is required for this event, so don't wait -get your tickets today!
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Monday Nights in September - Bringing Out The Heavy Hitters This Fall |
September starts with a break in the schedule for Labor Day but then picks up on the 12th with two equally cool options.
In the 7 o’clock slot Debbi will begin a 4 week, High Powered American Tango class that will run through the first week of October. This nuclear class starts with a prerequisite of Level 3 American Tango will explore new depths of technique and electric patterns. Not sure if you are ready for “High Powered Tango”? Talk to an instructor. We are happy to help get you up to speed in this exciting ballroom dance.
The 8 o’clock slot will be filled with one night, Upper Level Workshops. We are offering for your dancing pleasure Spaghetti Arms in Bachata, Rightous Turns in Waltz, and Happy Trails in Carolina Shag….quite a variety to keep you on your toes! Each of these workshops assume some knowledge of the dance, but are designed for a range of levels. Find all the dates and details at http://www.sapphiredance.com/int-adv-wksp.php.
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Fall Sampler and Blacksburg Group Classes: Time to Get Dancing |
It’s that time again! Time to kick off another set of beginner friendly, community building group classes at the Blacksburg Community Center. We began offering these classes in Blacksburg even before Sapphire Ballroom was opened in 2004. Though there have been small changes here and there over the years, the main purpose of these classes has remained the same: to teach a variety of social dances for a reasonable cost that are approachable for beginners and also provide a structure for proceeding to the next level.
The Fall session begins Tuesday, September 20, with an absolutely FREE event: the Fall Sampler. We introduce and teach a few dance styles, answer questions about the upcoming classes, demonstrate any of the styles you want to see, and just generally have a grand time. You will also receive an $8 off coupon just for showing up! This can be used toward any Fall group class. If you want to sign up in advance for multiple classes you can receive $8 off each one. All told, you can get up to $48 off your dancing in Blacksburg. Not too bad, eh?
Check out our full line-up at http://www.sapphiredance.com/groupclasses.php. There are many cool styles to choose from and some built in “Class by Requests” for classes to continue on to the second level. New this year: Level 1 Polka - just in time for all those fall festivals!
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Sapphire Out and About: Giles Mountain Winery & the Carolina Shag! |
In August, Sapphire had the pleasure of teaching Tango outside on the top of a mountain with incredible vistas surrounded by gorgeous grape vines. Not to mention the wine and snacks!
We are thrilled to be asked back to Giles Mountain Vineyard & Winery, this time to teach the Carolina Shag. Join us on Saturday, September 24, from 5-7pm, to add some dancing to the wine tasting, mingling, snacking, and taking in the breathtaking views. This event is FREE. Check out their website to learn more about the Winery and find directions: http://www.gilesmountainwinery.com/.
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30 W Main Street, Suite C,
Christiansburg, VA 24073 - 540-382-8782
www.SapphireDance.com |